The organization
advocates for students and families
update parents and families about the school
plan and run activities for parents and families
PA/PTAs can support schools in a number of ways, including:
hosting parent workshops
organizing activities for families—both academic and social
raising funds
running volunteer events
PA/PTAs & the Virtual Environment
See the guidance document in the Virtual Environment(Open external link) folder in the publicly available SharePoint site to help inform you and your school PA/PTAs how to work virtually.
All of the following are automatically members of their school’s PA/PTA:
Legally appointed guardians
Foster parents
Persons in parental relation
Officers of a PA/PTA are responsible for the PA/PTA budget, events and activities. Officers are elected by membership annually.
PA/PTA Elections must be held in the spring. At that time, the three mandatory officers (president, recording secretary and treasurer) are elected. This must happen before the last day of school. The election rules are specified in Chancellor's Regulation A-660.